This week, we finish up the semester with one last topic: logistic regression. For class on Monday, please download:

  • challenger.R from the R Scripts tab
  • challenger.csv from the Data tab

In class on Wednesday, we will work on the second case study from this week’s homework, on conditional probabilities in breast-cancer screening.


There is no new reading, but if you haven’t read through page 327 of Chapter 16, then please do so. Reminder from last week: you can safely stop once you reach the section entitled “Advanced topic: estimating the parameters of the logistic regression model.” You are not responsible for anything beyond this section.


By Wednesday, please complete the R walkthrough on logistic regression.


There are no new exercises. Exercises 9, assigned last week, are due by 5 PM on the last day of the semester: Friday, May 5, 2017. You may submit them either as a hard copy under my office door (CBA 6.478) or as an electronic PDF copy to (same e-mail as for projects).